My personal journey in this process was a co-efficient to any academic or politicised interest in it. How it has interacted with my profile at Kiltr, the only 'safe' online, civic space I could define online as someone with a neurological disability and the will to engage and represent the deficits of that position in the current febrile atmosphere of British/Scottish political means of representation and debate, and could thus navigate without major disadvantage or detriment to my disability, has also been a documented part of the ethnographical process in engagement with the changing profile of Scottish media representation. As such, though, things have changed a lot recently.
Since my last full post here, in October 2016, I have been back posting regularly on Kiltr and have in fact been working with them on some technological and third sector/neurodiverse community engagement and development on a professional level too. No more, times change and change again.
As a result, despite the best of intentions, I have meant to keep posting articles simultaneously on Kiltr and here but the restraints of my condition and the demands of my professional and academis work have meant housekeeping chez Tumshie Heid's Lament has been the weakest link in the chain and the one which has suffered the most neglect. Since I am about to embark on an exciting new phase where I have been asked to build on the themes developed in my blog writing around the anthropology of neurodiversity and civic space, and since here and my Kiltr profile, with a little amplification from a mainly reposting/retweeting Twitter account, are my only online, curated, digitised selves, I'm going to re-curate articles from my Kiltr account posted over the past year or so, which are relevant to the direction of travel, here, over the next few days, as well as editing what is already here too as I re-publish. Given the changes at Kiltr, it isn't likely I will publish much there now which is a great shame. There are a few art/design, music and general cultural articles I have published on my own profile there, for sa4creative, for All-of-You Therapy and The Wee Haven which are not strictly relevant to the scope of this blog, which may be of interest to anyone particularly enjoying the writing.
This will be a re-dedication of the blog, a fine tuning ahead of announcing in full the development of plans within plans for where that new writing fits in with campaigns and developments. As a great man and wonderful human being may once have put it (and if you know who I am referring to, you know why I am referring to them, it's a neurodiverse thing!), despite the embuggerance, we still undoubtedly live in interesting times!
Back soon...
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